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The Salam Music Program is located in the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, in Northern Uganda, which is the largest refugee camp in Africa. Playing For Change Foundation has partnered with local NGO Sina Loketa to bring access to music and arts...
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In partnership with Totya Platform, we are able to conduct the training of ambassadors on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse (PSEA) in Bidibidi that seeks to build on the capacities of young leaders and equip them with materials needed...
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Just a few days after receiving new elementary recording equipment, our music teacher Victor started experimenting audio recordings with his students and local musicians. Victor has also been using the Online recording tool Soundtrap in order to remotely collaborate to...
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We are super excited to finally receive our oil processing machine. One of the aspects of the SINAL AGRO-FARMING project will be around natural oil production to add value to the small scale farmer’s produce and increase their incomes for...
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.

Recent Articles

mothers post 1
July 20, 2022
Music and Art for Social Change in Bidi Bidi
March 17, 2022
PSEA Training in Bidi Bidi
September 21, 2021

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